September 25, 2008

Little Mimi

LOVE the station wagon?  SO COOL!
No, I am not taking a crap!
As the photographer squatted to take my photo, I followed her example.
First picture, I could say that I REALLY look like Ellie.  I am glad she is mine!
10 years, and still playing with playdough!
11 year old Mimi having attitude.

September 24, 2008

So everyone know.. Me & my cousin Jenny!

Okay, this is at my house on Garfield, in Sugar House in Ut.
One is obviously me - without the shorts - I guess I wpuld rather be topless then put on a "crazy  woman's wig!!! & the other is my cousin ?.  Can anyone guess who is who?
You'll win a treat! - of sorts, maybe you'll just be the winner!!  Hurray!
If its you... please don't guess, at least right away!

September 14, 2008

5th grade.

5th grade, first year in Ohio.
Look how cool I was with the paisley caller pulled up!
Funny to look back at trends.
Maybe I was out of it? 

September 12, 2008

Ellie Bellie lost a front tooth!

I am notorious for pulling out teeth.  Ellie wanted to do it herself and gathered the family into the bathroom for the "show!"  She tried to pull it out, but I think she was a little nervous to use to much pressure, so I sneaked up behind her and with one twist and pull, it came out, she screamed - then when she say  it wsas out laughed with JOY!!

While we were in Utah over the summer, Madeline lost a tooth and grandma N. & the girls decided to make tooth Fairy bags to hold there teeth and $$

THe girls have their own tooth fairies,  Ellie's is named Stardust, here is her letter;
Dearest Ellie, Congratulations on loosing your 1st front tooth!  The front teeth are always SO exciting!  And like always, I am so proud at how clean your teeth are, and still no cavities!  Keep up the good work!
Sincerely, your Tooth Fairy,

September 03, 2008

School days, school days, read & write & rule days!

First day of school!  Ellie is headed off to 1st grade! & Madeline is going into 3rd!  My babies!!!
I had my first official day off!  Cleaned, did laundry & then just floated around the pool, by myself!! Wow!

It is SO nice to live just a few blocks from school!  But SOME how my kids still have to complain about walking!!

Ellie & daddy

Madeline found a friend with matching outfits!

Ellie had a sudden panic attack, but was short lived.